How the mighty have fallen
Just 5 years ago, I embarked on a journey across the Pacific Ocean and began my studies at one of the world's most prestigious educational institutions. After which I went on to continue my GCE A levels studies across the Atlantic Ocean at Britain's Brainiest School. For these 3 years, it has been the heights of my life (thus far), winning all sorts of awards, experiencing and accomplishing achievements that I never even dreamt of. And most notably, the love of my life returned to me at the beginning of these 3 years.
Everything was going great, it was smooth-sailing through and through. I was on the top of my game. As if the world were my oyster. I began to venture out of academia and into the business and finance world. Things went well at first but it all began to go downhill from about a year ago.
Long story short, right after my Great Grand-Mother passed away last Summer, my extended family was divided into two sides and thus began the year-long lawsuit between the two sides (the details may be covered in another blog entry). A.k.a. my year of hell.
At this, arguably, the most difficult time of my life, things kept getting worse. My family was fractured, businesses took a hit as I dedicated less time to them, and the most heart-breaking was the fact that my love for the past decade left and fell in love with someone else.
As I am dealing with the lawsuit, I decided then and there that I had to keep a cool head, and chuck all my emotions away, focusing on solving the problems at hand. After a whole year, now that the lawsuit has almost been brought to its conclusion, I began to pick up the pieces that are my businesses (and my heart).
Thinking back over the past 5 years, I have probably experienced more than what an average adult has in 40. Studied in 2 continents. Traveled to over 50 cities across 4 continents. Competed and won at international competitions. Started companies. Involved in a multi-million dollar lawsuit. Got my heart broken. Invested in companies across the globe. ... I cannot help but think (and sigh) how the mighty have fallen. From being the top of my game to getting slapped on my face (figuratively) on a daily basis.
Mentally, I have been in a pretty bad place for the past year. But recently, I met a new friend who renewed my hopes and dreams about the future. I am starting to see the way out of all these messes. Now I try to remind myself that - I may encounter defeats, but I must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so I can know who I am, what I can rise from, how I can still come out of it.
Enough venting, back to work.
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.”